1. Chap with one dog is first (10). 2.Teach motorist (5,6). 3. Audibly a grass garment (9). 4.Riverside runner (4,7) 5. Useful for a sailor to tie up (7). 6.He aims to make y ou settle (4,9). 7. Exclude offer locally (9). 8. Apparent strain for her (10). 9. Ford and pooch get healthier (6,6,). 10 Average issue (6).
Just got a few more if any one can help. a. A beery shandy(6).b. Sack him (7). c. Bill with lock of hair (7). d. Artistic stitching for queen (11). e. More excessively fat one hears (6). f. Very serious antipodean soldier (5,6). g. A small bowl rises to ecclesiastical heights (11). h. Deserter Tom with French endearment (3,7). i.Sailor follows household rubbish (10).