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email links

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sprayer | 12:17 Fri 10th Oct 2008 | How it Works
7 Answers
I know how to copy and paste a web address link to an email but on one that I did recently the address was so long that it took up half the page, but sometimes you see links with just the words *CLICK HERE* and it takes you to the page so how is this done ??


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Click on the link at the bottom of this page that says tutorial. Or you could just click here!
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thanx for the answer, but I must be missing something as I have tried emailing a link but cant get it to work...
Sorry, missed the bit about email :-)

I've just tested this in my email and it seems to work. Copy and paste the URL into the email then just highlight it and overtype with the word you want.

I coupldn't get CLICK HERE though as everytime I press the space bar, it thinks I have finished! It would have to be CLICK_HERE or something.
Crikey, it is so easy when you know how...

Paste the URL into you so you get a hyperlink (underlined in blue) then right click and choose 'Edit Hyperlink'. There is a box saying 'Text to Display' and you can type any words you like in it!!
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Thanks for taking the time and trouble to answer my question, like you say its easy when you know how, but I just did'nt have a clue so I'm off now to have a practice ...
CheekyChops, type clickhere, then when you're finished go back and put the space in. But using the space bar while you're typing it out ends the link.
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Like I said I must be missing something, just tried it and guess what , I cant get it to work, when I paste in the address it come up in violet colour not blue, highlight it, right click it, the box that appears does not say *edit hyperlink* it says PROPERTIES, if i click that a box appears saying TYPE then under that URL, I tried everything but it does'nt work

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