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mos 23 d

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dangeorge | 09:39 Sun 26th Oct 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
instrument for examining the tubes branching off the trachea b-o---o-s-p- cheers


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I was going to say bronchoscope but it doesn't fit with the letters given.
Has Dangeorge written it down incorrectly do you think?
there is no easy answer here i think the compiler has def boobed in this one, the answer is bronchoscope but that makes two other clues wrong. shame as i quite fancied the prize money
bronchoscope is correct. Other answers not ?
ok my error its palindromic so its ok up till the last 3 letters. bronchosc?a?. i have grandand as the 44 across and palindromic does anyonoe else have better answer for 44 acxross?
Are your other answers correct?
42a is palindromic, and 44a is grandpa

Fits in with my solutions OK.
ha, do i feel like a prize numpty, grandpa, lol ive never used that temr, tee hee

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mos 23 d

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