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christmas challenge

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hornbygirl | 19:16 Tue 28th Oct 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
christmas related quiz not asking for an answer but
can anyone give me a clue to
62. what is james edgars claim to fame
have absolutley no idea


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Can be found in most large stores at christmas time. Sometimes at the end of a grotto
Question Author
thanks cornelia 1 found it now
How disappointing that you had to ask so soon when Diane asked us not to.
google brought up loads of hits.
Maybe thats the trouble - just thrown mine away - there are too many questions with more than one answer and how do you choose which one to put

Guess this is the trouble with G K christmas quizzes - bah humbug!
Question Author
didnt think ----sorry !!!! was just stumped and only asked for a clue.considering myself well and truly told off and will crawl into a hole.
Don't - lol

You'd have to take an awful lot of people on here with you and its been said loads of time its a quesiton and answer site

Question Author
thanks smouse feel better now

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christmas challenge

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