the other day .. we were having a discussion with this part time woman in her late Forties.
she said she told her 13 year old son off for saying the word ****** (Bu99er - just incase it filters it out) because it was a swear word, and told him to use Bollox (B0110X) instead. But i disagree same as well as others in the office who are under 35yrs of age. Whereas over 35+ says Bu99ers is worse than B0llox
i thought Bu99ers was an ok word to use, but the word B0llox - sounds worse. i rememeber as i was growing up i hear Elderly uses the word bu99ers and bloody alot. and was told it is kinda swear word.. but as time went by these words were acceptable to use at school. so whose right??
What do you mean by "part time woman"? Is she a man half the week and a woman for the other half? lol
Bollox is far worse than bu@@er in my opinion.I am 40
If you look up the definition for B-gg-r, you'll find it's a much worse word than the other word, which just describes a part of the male anatomy.. Sorry but the definition is not one that is suitable for giving in this answer. Hope this explains your question, and it isn't really anything to do with the age of the people who use either word.
online dictionary
1. Taboo slang a person or thing considered to be unpleasant or difficult
2. Slang a humorous or affectionate term for someone: a friendly little ******
3. a person who practises *******