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Llanddewivelfrey WI Quiz

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Freda7 | 15:57 Thu 06th Nov 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers
All answers start with B and H. Can anyone help please with the following:
2. German Target (6.4. letters)
5. Can you bank on it (5.5. letters)
8. Do the stars shine here (8.5. letters).
Would appreciate any help. Thanks.


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2. Biggin Hill
Question Author
sedge47 - Many thanks for your prompt answer - much appreciated.
5 Blood Horse? It's a thoroughbred and the 'blood' might be connected with blood bank- but I've never known any horse you could bank on!! Just a thought.
8 Broadway something? Can't think what though.
Question Author
Harry-Wragg and Piggling. Thanks for your suggestions, I was working along the same thoughts myself but not getting anywhere. Thanks again to both of you.
5 Black Horse ( Lloyds TSB)
Tattershall7 - much better than my gibberish!!!
Question Author
Tattershall7 - Of course! Easy when you see the answer isn't it! Thank you very much for your help.
8 boarding house?
8 Could be Beverley Hills but Beverly is nearly always spelt without the 3rd e.Do you think just an error?
Question Author
spitza and Nid1 - Thanks for your thoughts. I had wondered about Beverly Hills but rather pushed it on one side because it only had 7 letters. Failing all else I will send it in spelt as Beverley. Thanks again.

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