Polymath 474 in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Polymath 474

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foxwall | 12:44 Sun 09th Nov 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
I'm quite unconvinced by spectrum and stenting for 5d, stiffening for a doublet, but can only propose a fairly weak one myself. How about sweetgum, i.e.Liquidambar tree which produces a resin? Trouble is, the references I can find refer to its scent properties rather than similarity to starch.
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Hi foxwall - I'm glad I'm not the only one unhappy with 'Spectrum', though I'm still leaning to 'Stenting' or a word derived from it...

As you say, 'Sweetgum' doesn't really work either...

I'm wondering now if there could be an error & to send it with 'U & N' in the box?..but that leaves me cold, frankly!

I do so like a definitive answer! :-)
From Google: The sodium spectrum is dominated by the bright doublet ......
Might this help??.
Hi Aquagility - found these yesterday & I'd be slightly happier if the clue were "stiffened by a doublet", but still not convinced I'm afraid...

...but thank you! :-)
Hi foxwall - in case you miss the thread, please see aeronut's answer here...

http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Quizzes-and-Puz zles/Question655022.html

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