Question Author
Finally I will raise an issue that has already been mentioned elsewhere but which you may not all have seen.
The Saturday GK and Monday Herculis crosswords are now available online from midnight on their respective days. They can be accessed by members of the Daily Telegraph Crossword Society (a subscription service).
As a result, there is the possibility to start this game earlier and earlier which I don't think is in the best interests of all the players. Furthermore, I am not prepared to set my alarm clock for earlier than 6:am so for the next two weeks, the game thread will be launched around 6:10 - 6:15 am on the Saturday morning.
Also, because of the early publication of the crosswords online, no entries to the game will be accepted after 11:59 pm on each Sunday.
Feel free to comment on those statements, and of course seekeerz may have other time constraints of her own to consider when she resumes control in December.
Until next week then, this is gen2 signing off.