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Associated in some way with time or movement

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murieljohn | 14:53 Mon 17th Nov 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
1, Lad returns after bad home destroyed ( 10 )


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hebdomadal - anag bad home +lad<>
Hebdomadal (weekly) .... anag bad home + lad<<<
It's an anagram of bad home followed by lad backwards
(10 letters) Word means weekly
sorry piggling and sarumite, I took too long typing it out !
Question Author
very good thanks
Has anyone got the answer to the following:
45 Rearrange log then add a piece of porcelain (8)
65 Thus Ulster degree is restructured (10)
95 Heads of Eiropean Parliament reach border and are
turned back (8)
Many thanks in advance
I do not have answers to 65 and 95, but I think that 45 is GLOAMING.

Log rearranged, is GLO and piece of porcelain is A MING.
Thank you keyboardix

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Associated in some way with time or movement

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