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gk crossword sat 22nd nov

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hideaway | 18:14 Sat 22nd Nov 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
2d ornamental case for small items 4 letters _n_i (I have got retina for 13a)

18a a completed set or run of cards in rummy anad canasta 4 letters _e_d

42a 4 letters the female cone like flowers of the bine plant humulus

thank you anyone


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2d etui
18a meld
42a hops
2d Etui (10a Noctambulism)
18a Meld
42a Hops
2d etui
18a meld
42a hops
10a noctambulism
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thank you everyone

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gk crossword sat 22nd nov

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