Repost of details for weekend ABers who may have missed earlier postings. A quiz to raise funds for the Children in Need appeal is available with �15 and �10 for the best two entries returned by 16 January 2009, plus a further �5 for a 'lucky dip' entrant drawn from all returned entries.
The quiz comprises of 100 questions split into four sections (25 questions per section) as follows:
Section 1 - What Comes Next where you have to complete the sequence/series (e.g. O,T,T,F,F,S ? - Answer: S - initial letter of one, two three etc.)
Section 2 - Acronyms of songs containing items of food or drink (e.g. S F F - Answer: Strawberry Fields Forever)
Section 3 - Numbers quiz of phrases/songs etc (e.g. 1001 AN - Answer: 1001 Arabian Nights
Section 4 - Cryptic, GK or straight clues to top ten songs by duos, trios, quartets or quintets.
Closing date: 16 January 2009
Price �1.00 + S.A.E. (Cheques payable to J.Prinner)
Address: Mr J.Prinner, 10 Moor Park, Millom, Cumbria, LA18 5DX
Why not post this on the new Fund Raising Quiz site? Maybe the cheques should be made payable to 'Children in Need' as I am sure you will get more quizzers taking this up. Good luck.
Thanks for the suggestion. It is posted on sitesaveronline if that's the site you are referring to, and ALL monies received from the sale of the quizzes is going to Children In Need as the prize money is provided by myself.
The only reason they are made payable to myself is so that gift-aid can be claimed when making a single payment in the New Year.
The site I'm referring to is just called 'Fundraising Quizzes' and it is fairly new. Just Google it and you will find it. I have my own current quiz posted on Answerbank and also on the new site. Both are bringing in scores of applications. Good luck.
Thanks DSJ. The Fundraising Quiz site is the one with the web address of Which is your quiz, is it one I've got yet, or one still to send for?