I shall be pleased to receive help with the solving of the following clues, where answers contain something or someone that would be found "up in the air". The closing date is very near - 30/11/08, and I have spent a vast amount of time getting nowhere !!! 12. ..... but not exactly scared I twice feathered one ! (6,4) 22. Was an afterthought worth a try ? (5) 37. Speed and skill needed on pole with this vehicle.(10) 57. Hot-tempered women from the south-east only have a little bowl .... (4,9) 69. Newspaper man and a bishop get into rows - and make a spectacle of themselves ! (3,6) 70. Inside, he rings about work for an occasional visitor to our shores ..... (6)
My thanks to all 3 of you for replying so quickly, and for solving weeks of "puzzlement" !
I still have 4 to solve, but intend to work on them before making another posting to this site, should it be the only option.
Once again, thank you.
If you GOOGLE each question as written you will probably find that every single question has been answered in AB.
Search doesn't work not does beyond page 10!