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spitza | 23:49 Mon 08th Dec 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
I am compiling a quiz and wonder if anyone could provide a trick question such as which member of the royal family played at wembley? answer joe royle this question will be asked at the event so they will not see it in printed form, would be most obliged thank you in anticipation.


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You could go for the classic...

Sunderland did it in '79, Villa did it in 81. but who did it in 1980? Someone might say West Ham, but the right answer is Trevor Brooking - they are scorers of winning F.A. Cup goals (Alan Sunderland for Arsenal and Ricky Villa for Spurs. Sir Trev's was for West Ham).


Name any two of the five American Great Lakes.
Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior are they, but only Lake Michigan lies ENTIRELY in the United States. All the others straddle the border with Canada.
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thank you so much judge
regards have a nice christmas
How about.
Q.On which planet was Dr Spock born?
A. Earth (Mr Spock was the vulcan from Star Trek, Dr Spock was the world renowned paediatrician)
How do you fit ten horses into 9 spaces ?

What is the tallest mountain on Earth

Mauna Kea in Hawaii

Everest is the HIGHEST (sea level to peak)
Mauna Kea is the TALLEST (base - below sea - to peak)
Question Author
thank you all for your suggestions very helpful
regards spitza

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