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Guist Village Hall

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juniperblue | 11:55 Mon 15th Dec 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers
Puzzling pantomimes
1 This boy is one heck of a noise
5 does this disciple go into the fire?
10 She fell in love ere the last petal fell

Christmas carols anagram

Transformed toys (were any of these ever on your christmas list)

51 Stop holding me! (4)
54 Is this parrot one colour? (8)
56 Victorian, Georgian or orange box? (5,5)
58 minute and in a rush (4,5)
60 Is Homer into this recreation? (4,3)
62 An electronic bird of prey (10)
63 Does this brand belong to the country? (8)
65 would you want this tornado in your garden? (7)

A cocktail of christmas songs

72 Yuletide for Cabalerroes (9,3,7)


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1 aladDIN
54 Monopoly
58 Tiny Tears
60 Play Doh
63 Britains
65 twister?
5 peter pan?
50 hark the herald angels sing
72 Christmas for Cowboys (John Denver)
51 Lego
10 Beauty and the Beast (part of the storyline)
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thanks for all your assistance, much appreciated.

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Guist Village Hall

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