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jimby | 11:12 Fri 02nd Jan 2009 | Crosswords
4 Answers
(27) Dab hands in case of accident. (4) A _ E _ .
(28) Waits for these vocal groups in olden times? (5, 7)
_ _ _ _ _ _S _ N _ _ _ _ .
(62) Winds up coming ashore (3, 7) S _ A _ R _ E _ E _ .
(65) Old city man in a hurry. (6) _ _ _ _ _ T.
(78) Turn away from prayer. Heartless realist! (5) A _ E _ _



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27 aces (anagram)
28 carol singers
62 sea breezes
65 Ur gent
78. avert .... Ave (Maria) + R(ealis)T
Question Author
Thanks for the answers, ulysses100, BigDave44 and kettledrum.

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