Breeds of Dog Quiz in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Breeds of Dog Quiz

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ste11a | 20:21 Fri 02nd Jan 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
Often Confused for a Jack Russell (9 )
Southern chinamen, with meat seller and male canine (9,7,3)
Odds on Favourite (9)
Portrayed regularly by Gainsborough (3,7,8)
Messed, with the (French) (6)
Disliked by cowboys (6)
The restless oaf (4)

Be grateful for any help
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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disliked by cowboys - coyote?
messed with the French...poodle (if that's right it's a "peculiar" clue)
greyhound - odds on favourite
the laughing cavalier - gainsborough
Question Author
Thanks JMR27. Think Coyote is right and possibly Poodle but agree it is an odd clue.
Wilmay. Don't think the answer will be "The Laughing Cavalier" as that isn't a breed of dog and I already have King Charles Spaniel. Thanks for your help though
I know that, but it fitted the letters given........
4. Old English Sheepdog?
The Laughing Cavalier was painted by Franz Hals not Gainsbough.
How can King Charles Spaniel fit in if the letters are 3, 7 and 8?
To be honest the clues look like they have been set by an amateur.
Question Author
The answer to 'Portrayed regularly by Gainsborough' is Old English Sheepdog, painted first in 1771. Thank you JMR27.

I also think 'The Restless Oaf 'might be Tyke

Just need to find answers to 1 & 2 now

thanks everyone for your help and comments. Appreciated

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