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crofter | 15:44 Mon 05th Jan 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
5d She's one posh female Academician (6)

From the across clues, I can arrive at the construct AUVELA ~ but cannot confirm.

Any ideas?


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Or you will have to wait until someone else who has done ev844 gives you the answer.
It's Angela (an + gel + a)
Yes -- Angela did cross my mind, but then so did Debora ...
And not knowing what was where i.e. what the other letters were from other answers was making things a bit more complicated to provide a correct answer.
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Thanks Quizmonkey & pbeach ~ I had thought "U" for "posh" and had "SHAVING" for 14a.

I completely missed "GEL" as a posh version of "GIRL"

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