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Pink Floyd - Brick in the wall

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imhotep | 00:02 Sat 10th Jan 2009 | Music
9 Answers
Here is a challenge for all you Pink Floyd fans.
A long time ago I had seen a pop video film of the brilliant Pink Floyd song called Another Brick in the Wall.I think it was a modern version of the song with probably a slightly faster beat to it.
In the video film it had a few school kids running around a high rise block of flats,one of them carrying a brick I think,and at the end I think there was a boy who pulled a power switch which lit up something or other,or did he switch off all the power.
I really cannot remember much about this film version of this great song by Pink Floyd.
Can anyone please tell me who made this updated version,and where I can find it? I tried to look it up on YouTube but without any success.
I will be very grateful for any help at all,whoever can supply me with this information.
From a very big fan of Pink Floyd.........
Many thanks! ^_^
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No,sorry, terambulan.
That wasn't it. All the video had was just a still picture!!
Imhotep - I'm a great Floyd fan as well. Go down the google sites, and you'll find Brick from the "60's, 70's and 80's" . I can't copy and paste it for you, but there's a vid there - one of the very early ones, which might be the one you're looking for.
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Great! Thanks Ice.
It might be like looking for a needle in a haystack.
But,I'll let you know if I find it.
Thanks again......
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I don't know if you are still up and about Ice,but I have had no luck as yet finding this particular video.
Never mind,one day I hopefully might find it.
Or,someone else finds it for me.
Finding it rather difficult trying to track down this pop video.
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Hooray!! My detective work has found it.
Hahh!! I'm happy now.
If anyone is still up and about,especially Ice.
Here it is,but I'm afraid it's only in black and white.
Never mind,I will probably find the coloured version in due time.
Sit back and enjoy this version.I like this version anyway,which was part composed by Eric Prydz.
Night,night everyone....
See you on AB again soon.
Eric Prydz & Pink Floyd Proper Education
Oooh - goody! I'll have a look Imhotep!
Ah! So it's a re-mix by Eddie Prydz? It's Ok-ish...but not the best of the best. Having said that, i like Mariyln Manson's version as well as Floyd's.
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Oooh,I didn't know Marilyn Manson made a version of it.
Well,you learn something every day.
Thank you Icey hun.

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