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Stuck on 2 in the Telegraph quick x word - help please

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Beatrice35 | 21:29 Sat 17th Jan 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers
Stuck on two in the Telegraph quick crossword. 7 Down) Ignore correction ?t??(4)
14 Across) Net for catching long fish (3,3) EE?/S??

Many thanks :-) Bea ;-)


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Hello again, Auntie Bea

Mrs BD does this one, so I know 7d is stet and 14a is eel set
7d, stet
7d Stet
Good afternoon Dr B - what's it like over there - it's wet and horrible here in the UK?
Question Author
Aunty Bea says a big thank you to you all, now all my x words are finished :-) yippee. Time for a sudoku now:-)
Thought it was eel something, yet, could not figure out the second part. Hubby would have known this yet he is hundreds of miles away at moment on business!!
Anyway, really appreciate your very quick help ;-) Ciao for now, Aunty Bea :-)
BD44: after two days of 0 degree (F) cold (-18C) it's 40 and sunny in the US MIdwest. (that's 4 C if am not mistaken). I should be out working in my yard.
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Cool- you are from US drB? What time is it there now, please? Big hugs from the British Beatrice :-)
It's 2:50 in the afternoon!
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Thanks dr B- what kind of doctor are you, if you do not mind me asking? Was a psychiatric nurse before this neurological condition struck me as a 24 year old. Psychiatric nursing was more challenging than all my present health challenges, too ;-) Still, it was interesting + pleased that took on this career as it taught me much- a real eye opener. Now hoping to be an author + living life to the fullest even with the myriad of challenges. Big Dave- just realised that you meant your wife does this crossword by saying Mrs BD, lol- sometimes slow to catch on ;-) Hugs to all, Aunty Bea :-)( like this pet name) :-)
Aha, that explains it all. You're unhelpful and a nutter. Just like me really, but you've done your homework by now and now know that.
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Tried to help you by asking the genius Lie-in- King to help you, yet , you still have to be like that brokenbank- how sad!! What is it with AB recently- some really unkind posters about?! Ciao, Bea :-)
Sorry sunbeam, you made a bad mistake getting stroppy with me and it won't be forgotten for a long time. If you had bothered to do your homework before getting lippy you would known my history and many identitiies. You would also know my background and I don't take lip from anyone. You're either very brave or very stupid.

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Not stupid. Yes brave yet not for the reasons you state. Why would I want to do any research about you- what makes you think you are that important?!!What is your problem brokenback?Never was lippy with you just assertive. You can dish out all sorts of venom yet you will not take anyone standing up for themselves or for reason. Oh my gosh- you need help or maybe you are beyond help- if te latter will just ignore you as have better uses of my time!! Will not tolerate unkindness or bullies in this life yet will not be drawn into endless circles with such people either.Ciao, Beatrice- not sunbeam!

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Stuck on 2 in the Telegraph quick x word - help please

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