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ft 12978

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safflower | 18:11 Mon 19th Jan 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
30a When to tell all (6)? - e - s - s. Could this be census?


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that's what i put but not with 100% confidence. more like 93%.
I don't do this crossword, but that looks like a good answer considering, maybe the DT crossword setters are now doing FT crosswords :-)
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Thank you both. I have put it in but am still doubtful too.
I'm sure CENSUS is correct, though I can't say I actually like this clue. It does fit the checking letters and it lends itself to the clue by having a chronological sense as a noun as well as operating as verb.

DANTE is the pseudonym for Roger Squires who also happens to set the Telegraph puzzle on Mondays by the way (he is also Rufus in the Guardian).

BRADMAN (Don Manley) sets Friday's DT (he is also PASQUALE in the Guardian and QUIXOTE in the Indy among others...)

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