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Calling Lie-in-King

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Harry-Wragg | 01:22 Wed 21st Jan 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
49 Answers
Good morning LiK - check out Jokes Steve.5 20.01.08 20.37 - your reputation goes beyond all bounds.

However in keeping with the rules of answerbank I'll ask you this - blushing communist - R?D


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emm where has harry gone now!!!!!!1
Oh don't you start!

Pours another Scotch & tries to bring it down - heart-rate! Honestly... 772511501010634.jpg

There you go pink. Us ladies'll start on that lot then!
Actually, it's glass slipper time.
Thanks for allowing a bit of a giggle on your thread Harry. goodnight to you, L-in-K, pink, and whoever else is around.
Can't be good for your elf...

I believe I'll call it a day, too...

Thanks for the loan of your thread & inbox Harry - goodnight to you, pink, Icey, Dave et al!

Sleep well, wherever you are...
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LiK - look at the lassie's eyes and the way she's holding the bottle of beer - and then tell me she doesn't have a chib in her left hand - experience talking here!

pinktwink - that lassie is scary!!

Ice.Maiden - the brilliant ones on Q&P are BigDave44 & Lie-in-King (alphabetical order) - they are both English but we can forgive them that)
Question Author
I'm probably speaking to myself by now but it was a pleasure listening to all you guys tonight,

Harry W

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Calling Lie-in-King

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