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the big one

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clairehunnie | 15:43 Sun 25th Jan 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
bland expression 10 letters

basic reason 9 letters

isle of scot port 8 letters

unexpressed thoughts 6 letters
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Could you give the number of the question and any letters you have
63a euphemisms
23d rationale
54d Isle of SKYE port Armadale
110a Inward

I had to go out and rake in the paper bin for the questions, I had just kept the answers, it is far easier if you give the number of the clue and any letters that you have.
and the name of the paper/magazine, as there are
a number of Saturday crosswords called The Big One.

Has anyone on here won this one lately. Daily Record?
Not me anyway Tony.

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the big one

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