Structural Surveyor in The AnswerBank: Property
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Structural Surveyor

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Quizzie17 | 08:30 Mon 26th Jan 2009 | Property
4 Answers
I need a structural surveyor to look at a property and would appreciate advice on how to differentiate between, and ensure I get, a qualified structural surveyor as opposed to a valuation surveyor, quantity surveyor, or any other type of surveyor. It certainly doesn't seem clear on any of the advertisements I've seen.

Thanks in advance!
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look for a structural surveyor who is a member of the RICS, which i think is the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.
get a couple or three quotes and ask for proof of membership or trust your own judgement when you meet him/her
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Thanks Terence, I will do. Trouble is, where I've been looking they just advertise as 'surveyor' without clarifying which type, and I know that I need a Structural Surveyor. Are all members of RICS Structural Surveyors? Is there good place to look up the right type?
They are all different specialisms within the same broad career of Chartered Surveyor. When you phone - ask them. Yellow Pages usually lists structural surveyors separately.
Its a bit like doctors - not all doctors understand all parts of the human body - they specialise.
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Thank you buildersmate. I'll recheck the Yellow Pages for the area.

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