Thank-you for supporting the Christmas quiz. New quiz available - 40 questions on the theme of Easter. �25 1st prize + runner-up prize of �10. Please send �1 cheque payable to Stamford Festival Association Ltd or �1 coin, plus SAE to Carol Harkness, 9 Bradshaw Close, Stamford, Lincs. PE9 2NH. Closing date 2nd April 2009. All proceeds in aid of 'Senior Citizens Entertainment evening' in July. Thanks for your support.
Hi, I do lots of quizzes from this site and I too would like an e-mail copy. Is there a way to send you my e-mail address safely without everyone else seeing it? If not, I'll do it by post.
Hi Janbuck - Please use email address of: to request a copy. This will ensure that I am the only one that sees your email address. Thanks, Carol