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sheeshee | 19:28 Thu 05th Feb 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
1 clue satmaetreiscoaf

2 .. a half sunk ship with HADES and a I

3 .. SAMOA at the left hand side of a square

4 .. two lions with a I crossed out and a Y

5 .... a scull with an arrow pointing to the chin and a cap and gown tutor



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4. Lyons
1. United States of America
1. is an anagram of 'states of america' . As they are all joined up it will be 'United States of America'
3. Western Samoa
2. Helsinki
Question Author
thankyou all but jmr27 how do you get helsinki

and vicasso where is lyons?
Lyons is in France, see
If JMR 27 isn't around, may I ?
Hades is another word for hell, so
Hell + sink (the ship)+ i = Helsinki
Question Author
thankyou all ,and thankyou vicasso for explanation

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