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subjunctive in english language?

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katreeen | 21:59 Sun 17th Oct 2004 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
Apparently a prospective Cambridge languages undergrad was asked at interview if he had noticed any uses of the subjunctive in English. Are there any?


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How about "I wish I were..." "If I were..." etc. etc? I seem to remember from (German and French) grammar that the subjunctive in English is hard to spot because it is usually the same as the indicative except for the above examples and in the third person singular, where you drop the "s" from the verb. I'm trying to think of examples of this last one but my mind has gone Sunday-eveningy blank, I'm afraid...

If I were you, I would reccommend that every Cambridge language undergraduate learn th ese examples. I request that they pay attention to the conjugation of the verbs when the setance expresses a wish, a hope, a suggestion, a supposition etc. Be that as it may, I suggest this student look online at some English grammar pages, or that s/he read a grammar book or two. It is essential that we be able to understand our own gramamar!

Yes, we need to understand our parents' mums.

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Thanks for that - i asked my a level languages teacher and she said there aren't any!! Can't get the staff...
katreeen - are you joking? That's appalling if so.
*if true.
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Afraid not joking. I did consider it a bit strange. Will read up and learn examples for interview right away!

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subjunctive in english language?

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