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Current 'credit crunch' terms

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tpw536w | 15:53 Fri 06th Feb 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
1. Alcove for charged particle (9)
2. Backlog inside � far rear section (7)
3. Sluggish descent (8)
4. System of Co. Money (7)
5. Ail unsteadily in front of step, cherie (8,7)
6. Seize above

Thanks for any help


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1 Recession
2 Arrears
3 Slowdown
4 Economy
6 Takeover
Question Author
Thanks glasman, you seem to find these easy! What would you say for
Sounds like a dead measuring device (8)
I can only think of exmarker can you think of better?
dead measuring device = mort gage, second word maybe arrears??
oops, it's mortgage, ignore reference to second word, I was looking at q5.
Question Author
Thanks Vicasso, sounds good
5. Ali stair Darling :-)
Question Author
Excellent Vicasso, thanks

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Current 'credit crunch' terms

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