Question Author
May I begin by welcoming newcomer grannydi for posting four reasonable predictions, however (like many others) they failed to pick up points! Don�t let that put you off when contemplating having another go in future. The first to register a �hit� was Entrant #5, Christiana with SPRING CHICKEN (don�t laugh!) and she was followed yet another within the two-minute window by lysander to claim her bonus of TWO POINTS.
In the meantime, an athletic paulineward entered with FIELD EVENT to pick up her TWO POINTS at 09.03am (but no Spring Chicken!). At 09.05am slaney swept in with DUST BOWL to hoover up another TWO POINTS and three links had been spotted within five minutes of play by the first dozen entrants.
The last link managed to hold out for 28 minutes until kettledrum ordered HIGH TEA for the last set of bonus points! So far, only ex-MM Champions had been successful.
Over the course of time, occasional single points were picked up by cliffyg, evsajo, Magyar & patchett mostly claiming to be �Spring Chickens�!
However, only one entrant managed to find two hits (both one-pointers) very late in the game. For this unique achievement (this week) I am pleased to announce teacher1 as HOT SHOT OF THE WEEK!
*** Let trumpets sound and cannon roar ***
*** Let the people cheer and shout �Encore� ***
The League Table after this first week is:
TWO POINTS: Christiana, kettledrum, lysander, paulineward, slaney & teacher1
ONE POINT: cliffyg, evsajo, Magyar & patchett
Everyone else is �equal 11th�
I wonder what Queen Dusty has in store for us next week?
Until then, this is crofter signing off for another week.
See you next Saturday: Same time � Same place � Same setter
Until then: HAPPY LINKING!