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sandymack | 01:09 Mon 16th Feb 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
20 Answers
something acquired by habit 6 and 6 Thanks in advance ?E?O?? ??????


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Second nature (?)
I would've thought that, too.
Good grief Laid-up-King!!! : )
What happened to you????
Hi hon! :-)) I got sent to the dungeon today for - I think - over-posting!?!

Hope you're well? x

Please excuse the additional material, sandymack...
hi LAID up king never thought I would see the day and your posts are always so helpful will we start a petition???
: )

Apologies sandymack - I'vce never seen L-in-K in the dungeon before! Giggles. Happens to the best of us though. x
Hi pink - thanks for the thought, but I'll give them until tomorrow lunch-ish & then start making some noise...
Oh, it's "Giggles" now, is it?

Bend over, young Icey... :-))
You're the one in manacles down there L-in-K. You can only think about it! : )
Ah, but one day soon I shall taste freedom!

And as they say on Qo'noS -

"bortaS bIr jablu'DI' reH QaQqu' nay' "

which roughly translated means what, oh Laid-up Wonder
and where have you been anyway ?? sneaky friend !!
leave me with that weird Harry bloke !! not nice

sorry, sandy mack
Hi gorgeous seekeerz! Where have I been when? I did 8 hours on here today, 4 or 5 yesterday - I was busy-ish in the week, though...

Harry's not so bad - probably! :-)

"Revenge is a dish best served cold"

You mean like serving my boiled head on a platter ???

a la his suggestion????

giggle, giggle, hi icey, how're you doing ??
Rest easy, gentle seekeerz - you've not earned a punishment!

Unlike that minx Icey, to whom the quote was directed... :-))

Harry's got a very vivid imagination...
If only there were that much light down here, pink!
We'd best stop, guys - poor sandymack's inbox is going to be full!

Apologies & thanks, sandymack :-))

ever the gentleman, Lu K bye for now xx
Oh goodness!!! I forgot about poor sm's inbox! Just hope the added bits make for a bit of a smile.

Hello seekeerz.

And yes, L-in-K, I know the quote was for me. Cheeky!

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