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spermatid | 13:29 Fri 20th Feb 2009 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Don't know the full details of this but i think Rihanna is a very brave young woman by coming forward and not hiding until the injuries had disappeared. injuries-photo-revealed/
I hope everyone now treats Chris Brown like the piece of sh!t he obviously is.


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Thats terrible. Is that a genuine pic though as I heard there were lots of fakes going around the internet.
The picture was leaked so she may have intended to hide.
Whilst i'm not condoning his behaviour towards her, indeed any violence towards someone you're supposed to love is abhorant- looking at her face I'm hard pressed to find the "horrific injuries" that the article claims she had.
Ok Ok yes any man that hits a woman is wrong in doing so. But we also dont know the whole picture or what goes on behind closed doors, she could be a woman that hits her bloke and then cries when he retaliates, who knows. Also she wanted to get back with him (Guilty conscience maybe) it was her family that finally stopped her going back. My mate once knocked his girlfriend out after she kicked and bit him in the street but he was one who felt ashamed after
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oops i must apologise to Chris Brown lly-releases-statement/
he's sorry , so everything is now Yankee doodle dandy.
I hesard about this on the radio about a fortnight ago i think.
he beat her badly in the back of a car and she had bite marks on her too!
If thismis indeed true , as it appears to be , then ii think he should get out in jail and get some rough justice .

Theres no excuse and anyone even attempting to excuse him needs to look in the mirror.

Zero tolerance for violence against women by men or women to men.

Its bot on.

typo city

he should be sent to jail and given a good kicking

and see how he like sit.

I'm with Boo. What am I looking at there? The only thing I see is a giant TMZ across her face. Hardly horrific abuse.
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ok ,so sorry everyone your so right , the next time the good woman takes me to the brink i'm going beat the hell out of her

thank you .
i have seen the error of my ways
As much as I abhor such behaviour, I am not sure this is particularly �brave�. The physical wounds � again I am not making anything of it - are temporary. Brave are the people who have to face the pitying public every day with facial disfigurement or noticeable disability without media attention and wails of �shock! horror!�. rticle_id=58496&in_page_id=2

spermatid....LOL LOL I'm glad, you know it makes sense. LOL LOL
Well apart from two very noticeable bruises on her forehaead one each side theres the marks around her mouth an dlips.

Dont try spot the ball if you cant see these bruises.

spermy i dont understand peoples apparent disregard or lack of interest in this .

truely bizarre.
spermatid no one is saying that at all. Its just no one knows for sure what the hell went on thats all. So dod you think its right for a woman to hit her bloke and get away with it?
Oooh, hello Legend. I have wrote you a poem and have just confirmed with the Ed that they are NOT banned.

Ooh, you are such a fibber, I could crush a grape.
Hardly horrific abuse legend.

There's many "ordinary" people who have suffered a lot worse than this. From the description of this, I was imagining her with half her face hanging off.
and she didnt go infront of cameras her injuries were leaked. She went running straight back to him
This is in the mail today too. pictures were leaked it says.
Look at the picture below and tell me how could anyone do this to such a pretty girl?
the link was in the main post
Hardly horrific?

If you think beating a woman and leaving her covered in bite marks and bruises isnt horrific .

Then you have a strange view of whats normal.

(Octavius feel free to post them on a thread .
I will take this as confirmation that you have heard of me and were being silly eysterday when you said you didnt.

Lovely to be right again.)

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