the answer is a tree in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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the answer is a tree

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shaking | 18:30 Fri 20th Feb 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
1. It's an old joke
2. One plus one
3. Measure the depth
4. It's very sad
5. A large identation in the coast
6. With glasses I perhaps would
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4. Weeping Willow
1. Chestnut
3. Plum(b)
2. Pear ? (pair)
Question Author
thanks Johnalex, my brain is 'wooden' today
Shaking, if you've got one tree, then another, then another, how many have you got?

Answer is 9 (three trees are nine)
Question Author
Very good johnalex, I must be a bit of a plank!
5 bay?
Question Author
thanks Harry Wragg much appreciated

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the answer is a tree

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