spec 1902 in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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spec 1902

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yellow12 | 15:34 Sun 22nd Feb 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
could i have help withthe 5 letterswhich form a definition of the 8 items round perimeter as have completed rest of xword-tried teas as per some suggestions earlier but could only find oolong so must be on wrong track-surely something to do with skinned-is send ink a red herring?names of tattoos?or coffees?thanks
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send ink is a red herring.

the 5 letters highlighted in the grid begin with the 5th letter of 4 down, and continue diagonally down and to the right.

think of an instrument which is also known as 'the skins" or is made with skins.
Hello yello12,
Send ink is not relevent. Nor is teas. Did you dind the 7 clues that had a definition, but the cryptic element ignore one letter? 2 pairs of those clues intersect, hence the unclued lettersw only occupy 5 squares. Highlight them and all will be revealed. All the items appear in Chambers 2003.
Bonjour, Yellow12!
Did you see the drum? I have found TAMBOUR and am ondering if it's one of them? Is this a French thing? Because I am also seeing JAMBE? Please confirm. The perimeter is challenging, indeed!

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