Question Author
Having already revealed my passion for watching Liverpool �Live� at Anfield, I thought that I would share with you a few more of my outstanding �Live� memories. They include listening to Hotel California in Wembley Stadium and the matchless Bread at Hammersmith; Borg at Wimbledon; La Fille Mal Gardee at Covent Garden; Aida at the Baths of Caracalla and (probably the most memorable) the sight, sound and atmosphere of the Passion Play at Oberammergau.
However, I have (as yet) missed out on the really amazing experience that happened to our much loved, indispensable Count Crofter of the Abacus and his lovely lady, the Countess Crofter of the Val-leys, when last week they became grandparents for the first time. I think it is our turn to say:
*** Let trumpets sound and cannon roar ***
*** Let the people cheer & shout �Encore� ***