Finding it difficult this week still need 6. 17a. Cleaving tool used to split wood 4 letters (-r--) 26a. Authorative document used in business focusing on problem solving 5.5. (-h-t-) (--p--). 39a. A member of WAGGGS established as a counterpart to WOSM in 1928 5 letters (-u-d-) 18d Small tree with white flowers bluish/black or red berries used for jam,wine and tea 5 letters (--d--). 21d.Amixture of Ionic and Corinthian styles in classical architecture 9 letters (-o---s-t-) Many thanks to all that answer 25d. Brain activity when a person is in deep dreamless sleep. 5 & 4 (d-l-a) (-a-e).