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DTGK 48 across

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fletchp160 | 12:06 Sat 28th Feb 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
What is the sugar coated almond c?m?i? please - can't find the answer anywhere


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Took me ages to find this answer on the internet, too :-)
Tyrepill stuck on 5 down + 20 across- wondered if you could help please- last 2 then crossword is completed! Mtia :-)
20 across) Hook tipped goad used by a mahout to drive, train and handle and elephant ?n?u?
5 Down) Small peices of water buffalo resembling a deer, endemic to the Indonesian island of Sulawesi ?N?A

Bless you, Bea :-)

5d Anoa
20a Ankus
Bless you Tyrepill- you are a big star :-) Many thanks!!
Big big hugs, Bea :-) Now can enjoy the rugby!!

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DTGK 48 across

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