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towns or cities

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Lewis Ellis | 22:52 Sat 28th Feb 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
Really puzzled by the following, wonder if it is staring me in the face!!
The only clue is : H and the answer is a town or city, any ideas please


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need I go on?
Are you looking for a British town or city? or can it be from all over the world?

possibly Hannover. German car registration numbers contain the letter(s) of the town where the owner is resident. H is the letter for Han(n)over.
Question Author
Many thanks for ideas, yes we are looking for British towns or cities, not sure why it is a capital H, must have some significance but feel better now that it is puzzling to others as I wondered if it was staring me in the face!!
Aitch near Chippenham, Wiltshire

and I thought I was too ill to quiz and I hate geography quizzes and if thats not right dont tell me lol
Question Author
Many thanks smouse, cant find it on our map but it appears to be the most logical answer, will put that but wont hold it against you if it is wrong!!
no maybe your right it came up on google maps but maybe its not a place
sorry if its wrong but think it must be something like that

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towns or cities

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