What was the six-letter surname, still a well-known name in menswear today, of Edward, who became a partner in a textile business in Manchester during the 1840s?
Thank you Shannee - i'm with you - this is after all an Answer site - and who elected QuizmasterG & Sprinter53 as the 'Answerbank Police' ? have they nothing better to do than trawling through posted questions vetting which are worthy ?
We are NOT the "Answerbank police", we just get annoyed and frustrated that questions from a competition (not a charity 50p a go raffle) are asked TWO days after a quiz is sent.
If you condone cheating, laziness, stupidity and/or bloody-mindedness please carry on answering questions at random.
The questions posted by these people are obviously aimed at "couldn't care less" answerers like yourself.
I am sure you feel you are being smart (or is that smug) but next time you get disappointed by something you may consider how other people may feel sometimes or are you totally oblivious to anything but yourself?
Asking for an answer is not cheating. If nobody was allowed to ask a question then this world would be an even more ignorant place.
You need to "get a grip"!!!
And you are right. I could not care less whether you like questions being answered, or not. You feelings about this particular scenario are totally irrelevant in the scheme of things.