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tpw536w | 20:45 Sun 22nd Mar 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
22 Answers
1)Intially purchase every red umbrella
2)sounds a little nippy here?
3) Tunefully the reason Cali phoned?
4)Twist legal noses?
5)Oddly is that Laya?

thanks for any help


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1 peru
2 iceland??

good luck
4 Los Angeles anagram
hawaii ?
italy (odd letters)
2 Chile
3 California ?
4 los angeles
3 hawaii ^
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Thanks everyone that was quick
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beejay1124, may I ask how do you get Hawaii?
I thought 3 was a sound alike (tunefully )
Cal i phone ya

I s T h A t L a Y a
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Thanks shaneystar2, Yes I think you are right, just cannot see why Hawaii was mentioned, Thanks also ladyalex.
Re Q3 I'm sure it's California.
Perry Como (I think it was him) used to sing a song that started 'What did Della wear, boy?' and then went through the rest of the States in the United States. Somebody forgot to pay her 'Texas' and there was definitely a line 'Why did Cali phone ya ?'
Just remembered . Cali phoned ya to ask Hawaii (How are you ?) so I now think it must be Hawaii.
yup agree ladyalex- but i read into the question that they were asking 'why'did cali phone---and cali phoned to ask how are ya (hawaii)
a;so cali was mentioned in the question already
i may well be wrong tho(not for the first time)
Nope...I'm sure you are right, beejay1124
sorry -didnt see your last post ladyalex
Question Author
Well thanks again beejay1124 & ladyalex, would never have got that one!

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