My neighbour has built an extension.The builder has not been back(have not seen him since before xmas) to spar the last remaining wall(or finish guttering, but thats another matter) that faces my property.As the wall has a scratch coat and is unsightly, I was thinking of covering most of it with trellis for annual not permanent climbers.Am I allowed to drill the wall and hang trellis?
If this unsightly wall is not part of your property , you can not drill it or anything else to attach your trellis, for the simple reason it is not yours to drill.
Could you not put a trellis on your side and then grow permanent clinbers , so that the offending wall is not seen?
Agree with the above.
Perhaps mention to next door that you are going to put a self-supporting trellis up on your land immediately after Easter, so after then it will be impossible for him (or his builder) to get access to the wall to put the final coat on.