could anybody tell me how to make those cakes for Easter with the cornflakes mixed into chocolate and the mini eggs on top?? I guess I know the first bit (melt the chocolate, mix the chocolate with the cornflakes...) but what do I do after that? feel quite stupid for asking :( thanks in advance and be kind to me!! :)
melt some butter into the chocolate ( about 1oz per medium bar) that helps nests to be a bit softer and kinder to eat. Shape into nests in paper cases and push mini eggs slightly into mixture while still soft. Used to make these a lot at playgroup. Melt chocolate/butter in bowl over pan of hot water making sure base of bowl is NOT in contact with water . OR melt choc/butter in bowl in microwave ON LOW power. Yum yum .
I made 30 this morning. I used 150g unsalted butter, 2 large bars of Dr Oetker continental choc, 10 tablespoons of golden syrup and quite a lot of Cornflakes. Gently heat the butter, syrup and choc in a large pan, stir rapidly so that it becomes glossy, cool for about 15 mins before adding the Cornflakes ( if you add them too soon they may go soggy).
Mine are now all gone so I'm going to make them again tomorrow morning!