Hi everyone...im knew to this quiz lark..i live in east northants and wondering where i can collect quiz sheets from other than the et.i found one for sale at a kids farm restaurant...any help please..thanks in advance
Sorry also if yu'd like to post the address, cost and closing date details of any that you find whilst on your travels they would be gratefully recieved on here
Heres one I was sent details of today
Brenda Cussons, fairfield, ripon rd, kirby hill, york, YO51 9DP
unknown closing date
charity - Jennyruth Workshops for the Disabled
�1 plus SAE
not had jenny ruth for ages do you know the theme -as if that makes any difference when I am sat here doing one that is a word search and I hate word searches - see thats addiction lol
I sell quiz sheets to raise money for Save the Children. They are on sale at various places but if you send a SAE to Susan 3 DUCHY CLOSE HIGHAM FERRERS NN10 8BZ I will get one to you.