Sweets Treats,Past And Presents
#1 Policeman Policeman (6, 7, letters)
#5 Rugby,Tennis, Netball, etc ((6, 7,letters)
#12 Lots mof blooming tooth receptacles.(6,4,letters)
#14 Cooks in oil,famous, middles ((4,4,7, letters)
#16 BT.s end is the right size (7letters)
#20 Little Joseph has a rocket launcher (7,3,letters)
#23 Koala's diet in pill form.(10,7,letters)
#24 The moneys a con in a town by the Humber on a stick.(8,5,letters)
#26 Refleted sunlight plumets (7,5,letters)
#27 Brown hirsute fungi (7,8,letters)
# 28 Charred baps with currants,(7,8,letters)
#29 Poorly persons churned milk kind (7,6,6,letters)
#32 Pill (6letters)
#38 Old TV makes money (5,3,5,5,letters)
#39 Sounds like jewelled wrist bands (8letters)
#41 Top of the milk served with whisky (5,4.letters)
#44 Mouth destroyer (10 letters)
#46 1p points to a drinking place (5,5,3,letters)
#50 This time of year pinches (,6,4,letters)
I know there;s a lot but any help woul be appreciated and thanks in advance