Cut off date 17th May - 100 cryptic clues answers are words which sound alike but spelled differently, pretty straightforward, not selling as many as usual so would love a few more takers... Also chances of winning are higher!! Should you like a copy please send your donation and SAE to Diane Wakeling 3 Lark Rise Hardwick Cambridge CB23 7XZ, cheques to either MAGPAS or CAM our charity account. This has been posted previously. I have asked that requests for answers wait until beg of May but doubt anyone will need help with this! Good Luck - Quizmouse
I take it from that there have been requests for answers I havent been checking but there we go.... never mind I can but ask, would have thought it was simple enought o work out without help?
Glad you agree with me on that one
Not many can see the point in allowing scans or obtaining them by email they seem to think we are going to do the quiz and not pay
I've said before when you do about 30 a month and then add cost of stamps on top it isnt a cheap pastime
I shan't bother with it because smurff and poodledoo both asked for at least 6 answers each last week and someone else yesterday.
Sorry Diane at least you had my fiver.