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Guardian 24713

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amalgam | 11:20 Sun 31st May 2009 | Crosswords
8 Answers
I'm stuck in top left hand corner.

7a B-barking mad in Eccles, say (7) ?O?????

2d B-British snake on straight line (following Cannon and Ball) (8) ???E?L?Y. All I can think of is that it might end in LEY, as in leyline, and possibly begin with B

3d Rampant male- see Viz (6) ???E?Y

Many thanks for any help


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7 Goo dma n

2 Adderley

3 Namely....Man < Ely
Question Author
Thanks, Kaya

2d Now why didn't I think of ADDER, my mind was stuck on VIPER. I still don't see where Cannon and Ball come in, but then bands were never my scene.

3d I never thought of SEE as an ecclesiastical see, I must be thick!

Cannonball Adderley was a famous sax player.
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Kaya, thanks again. I now see that that point has already been answered, but I didn't see it because the heading was "Puck" As I said I know zilch about bands.

I've only got 22a to do now, B&B type(4) B?B?. I am not quite sure that the third letter is a B. but I am stuck anyway.
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22a I now know this is BILK, and 23d is LAST. What has LAST got to do with a band leader? Please forgive my gross ignorance on this subject!. At least I do recongnise the name Acker Bilk!
James Last
Why Bilk for B&B type?
ILK = Type

B (crossword theme) + ILK

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Guardian 24713

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