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which internation bank i deposited Rs.50000 one time then give me Rs. 3500 per month

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pathakvm2006 | 09:29 Tue 02nd Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
which internation bank i deposited Rs.50000 one time then give me Rs. 3500 per month . Pl send bank names which transiction country money to another country


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I'm guessing English isn't your first language but this makes no sense whatsoever
I think he/she is asking which banks are the best to use to send money home.
I'm thinking it's probably a foreign worker over here who wants to send wages home.
My opinion anyway.
I think I'll give him the address of the Bank of Funnygirl!!!!

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which internation bank i deposited Rs.50000 one time then give me Rs. 3500 per month

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