I've tried looking on the web for how to do this, but come up dry.
Here's the situation. I have a laptop, which has one account on it, under my name (Alice). Spouse has just got a desktop computer, again with one account on it (Bob). I'm trying to share files across our wireless network - we can both access the network, but file sharing doesn't work because although we can each see each other's shared folders, it keeps telling us that we don't have permission to access them. This is despite the fact that when I set up my files to share, I allowed access to everyone. We're working on Vista if that's relevant - any help appreciated!
This is the best file transfer/file sharing service on line. I use to use yousendit.com all the time, but SIEI is faster and cheaper. Plus every service they offer is either free or contract free, which is always nice in this day and age.