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perdell | 19:38 Sun 28th Jun 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
stck on the last two so help would be much appreciated
25a George Palmer-------- 19th century American publisher(6)
27a -------Swinton actress in Constantine and Orlando(6)


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25 putnam

27 tilda
27a TILDA Swinton played in Orlando, but she has only 5 letters, not 6 :-((
27a TILDA Swinton played in Orlando, but she has only 5 letters, not 6 :-((

25a George Palmer PUTNAM
Sorry to post twice, don't know what happened.

and Hello Mamy ! How are you doing? Had a senior moment or several last night and totally forgot about the club!
Question Author
Thank you both very much Sorry I said 6 letters not 5 but I had to print it out twice as my first effort just wouldn`t go through.

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