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dm 13499

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FRYT | 21:41 Fri 17th Jul 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
2 dn dutch power in in micropolitics upset embassy staff. 2 words 10 & 5 letters ??????????-c?r??
16ac reporter's first to probe arcade game for publication.
1 word 9 letters ????????e
14 ac car vanished somehow,avoiding an awfully steep drop.2 words hyphenated ?????-????
14 dn two seater taxi allowed to tour big port. 2 words 5 & 4 letters ??a??-????


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2, diplomatic corps - D+ anag of micropolitics with P inside
2d Diplomatic Corps----16a Printable----14a Crash Dive---14d Cabriolet
14a CRASH DIVE = anagram of car vanished without the an
Sorry octogenarian, I spent so long trying to get the markups right that I didn't look at your posting thoroughly.
Thats ok Spodocommoc----the more answers the merrier
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thanks all

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dm 13499

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