Still need help...many thanks in anticipation 1. Less common word for worn out condition ?N?EP??? 2. Architectural fret pattern ??EC?U? 3. Italian resort near Salerno ??A?F? 4. Systematic police search ?RIG?E?
1. Unrepair? (on the analogy of disrepair) - unrepairable?
2. No idea, I'm afraid - I assume you are reading 25 across as Stanzaic, but it could be as simple as Standard?
3. AMALFI (nailed on certainty)
4. DRAGNET (13 down is Mount IDA)
On a quid pro quo basis, what is 4 down (*a*w*x)?
All the best
Sorry about that - as I said, I am new to all this, but
how addictive is it ? ? having just spent one and a
half hours going through the questions. Thanks again