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spec 1924

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yellow11 | 21:49 Thu 30th Jul 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
help please
28a flower border in Botswana's ready 7 ????U?A
34a poetic line's tenor:poet's taking note 8 ????ET?R ends meter?or anagram tenor+?
24d pop abroad,entering into excessive acting work 8 ????E?TA operetta?
15d it is not permitted to don outfit that's bright 6S??L?? s-allow/sunlit?
many thanks-explanations helpful


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28a primula
34a T rime te r

24d O pere tt a ...OTT = over the top

15d Su nl it........NL = non licet/not permitted
28a P rim ula ....Pula is Botwana's currency/ready

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spec 1924

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